How do new customers begin to understand your business?
Design Drive
Customers in today’s world are information driven, and the more easily their questions are answered, the more likely they are to choose a vendor and complete a purchase. Your website & marketing, often just like your physical space, is a representation of a company’s services, product lines, success stories, and visual presence. Design is where a shopper becomes a customer.
How Design Drive Works
Built On Strategy
The Drive System is the blueprint designed to strategically help our clients grow and achieve their revenue goals. Please read the How We Work page to see an overview of the Drive System.
Below you will discover how the three main components of Design Drive will help you gain significant opportunities for growth.
You can also learn more about How It Works, and the other components of the system; Social Drive + Advertising Drive above.
Provide Information
Providing information, be it in written format, static pictures, or video, allows us to tell the story of your business to potential customers in a curated space. By focusing on content and value, we leverage all of the content related to your business to empower and educate potential customers.
Showcase the Business
People enjoy consuming information in easily navigable, well designed formats. User-Centric Design places the focus on fulfilling the needs of your potential clients, which in turn increases the likelihood of them converting into customers.
Call To Action
Your Web presence is the key to conversions. While Social and Advertising components fulfill the requirements of proofing and providing traffic, Web is the perfect place to complete the user journey, and convert the user into a customer.
Provide Information
The Right Product
Answering the potential Customers questions in a detailed manner, via your website, allows for a much more in depth exploration of the simple categories which your product may fit into. How easy is it to use? How does it compare to other, similar items? What makes it better? All of these topics and potential issues should be explored to provide clarity and promote comfort.
Tell Your Story
People buy from People they trust, and more and more frequently, Brands they believe in. This is all the more critical for small businesses to say who they are, what they believe in, why they are the right provider for a Customers needs, in the long term. Brands who build their unique story find that Customers spread that story, and connect with it emotionally.
Show Customers Value
The guiding principles which align the various components of your business, forms a basis for interactions with your Customers. Defining this, and helping both internal and external individuals understand it, provides direction for the company, creates focus and drive to accomplish goals, and builds confidence, as a defined and well executed Value Proposition is a platform for trust.
Explain Your Process
Customer confusion often exists in situations where there is unfamiliarity with the product or service needed. Automobile Accidents, Dental Procedures, Insurance Claims, all of these elements require Customers to follow often convoluted and confusing procedures, in order to end up at the solution they seek. By defining and simplifying the messages associated with these processes, Customers will feel empowered and informed; to make better decisions, and to achieve their goals.
Showcase The Business
Communicate Through Design
User Centric Design provides Customers the ability to explore and discover in convenient, predictable ways, helping them enjoy the interaction with your Web presence.
Design tells a story, and leads viewers through a journey of discovery. By designing with these elements in mind, potential Customers can move from information gathering phases, through to purchase and usage steps, naturally and without hindrance.
Expressing Corporate Style
Is your company Technology Driven? Or is your focus centered around Personal Care, Comfort, or Relaxation? Web Design elements should compliment physical spaces whenever possible, to keep uniform design of colors, typography, and other brand elements.
It’s important to assist potential Customers with visually interesting style elements, and help them connect with your Brand Identity, in order for them to both select your business as a provider, and to later have an attachment which creates recommendations and referrals.
Tell It Visually
Images capture attention and increase both reading completion, and also information retention. Showing your products or services being used and enjoyed connects on a deeper level with potential customers, and allows for the creation of internal visual imagery of their own use and satisfaction with your offers.
- Content with 75% visuals are noticed 50% more often
- Showing your product in use attracts readers 13% more than showing no product usage
- Photos are the most compelling of all graphics, and attract the greatest readership
- Content with 10 or more visual items are 55% more likely to be read to completion, and recalled later
Call to Action
Connect Now & Later
In instances where a potential Customer isn’t ready to complete the sales funnel, we make every opportunity to exchange a smaller value element, be it a coupon or other discount, in favor of their email address or other contact information. By holding true to our never-spam philosophy, we focus only on providing a value element, that brings busy individuals back at more convenient times, or helps convert via additional information.
Offer An Incentive
The tipping point from viewer to Customer takes many forms. Often times a correctly targeted discount offer, or the limited availability of a service, will provide motivation to convert, or run the risk of being left out of the opportunity. We stand firmly behind truth in advertising principles, and therefore only recommend methods which promote action ethically, while also understanding that motivation to achieve the sale is critical to growth goals for our clients.
Make The Sale
Whether a sale has to occur in a physical retail store, or can be completed entirely online, the ability to convert viewers to Customers is the focus of your Web site or Web application. By executing on proper sales funnel design, providing all required information and benefits, leveraging social cues, and removing barriers to purchase, the final, critical action becomes an easy solution and provides the sought after Value to the Customer.
Plan For The Referral
By preemptively creating the expectation that a review or referral is a part of the overall process, we create an easy route to gain this benefit later. It also creates the expectation that the product or service contains a feedback element, and that there is foreknowledge that customer satisfaction is a requirement upon the business, and not an afterthought, or burden on the customer.
Unlimited Support
All of our clients benefit from our unlimited support options. Our packages are designed to provide complete peace of mind, and we know that a huge part of that is easy access to great support personnel. Please feel free to contact us through any convenient method.
Success Guaranteed
We are a company built around Your Success and Customer Satisfaction. Therefore we have built our services with that one goal in mind.
In order to meet our Customer Success & Satisfaction Goals, we provide a 90-Day Money Back Guarantee on all subscriptions and initial implementation packages. Any payments collected within the past 90-Days of written notice of cancellation will be refunded, and all future payments will be cancelled.
Your complete satisfaction and business success is our number one priority, as our mutual growth and reputation depend on it.