How do new customers start to
trust your business?​

Social Drive

Customer reviews are the beginning of how new clients start to trust your business. Our Social Drive solution focuses on authentic communication with existing and new customers, to provide a positive foundation for growth.

How Social Drive Works​

Built On Strategy

The Drive System is the blueprint designed to strategically help our clients grow and achieve their revenue goals.  Please read the How We Work page to see an overview of the Drive System.

Below you will discover how the three main components of Social Drive will help you gain significant opportunities for growth.

You can also learn more about How It Works, and the other components of the system; Design Drive + Advertising Drive above.


Respond to Reviews

Whether on Yelp, Google, or Facebook, Positive or Negative, all reviews are an opportunity to not only communicate with the Customer who wrote it, but with all others who will read it in the future. This is the most overlook opportunity for businesses in today’s world.


Encourage Communication

We work with your staff to create opportunities for the encouragement of positive reviews. Authentic communication and reviews are the cornerstone of the Social Drive platform, and providing consistent value to customers is a requirement in today’s marketplace.


Generate Content

We create engaging and useful content on a regular basis, that appeals to your customer profiles, and promotes your message. Building your Brand Story and providing Valuable Content helps customers select your business, connect with your services, and refer you to others.


Respond to Reviews

Start Resolving Problems

No business likes having negative reviews online, and our process starts by actively taking on existing open issues, and working with the customer and your staff to resolve them in a positive & kind manner. This shows dedication and care from your company, and encourages new customers by letting them know problems are addressed and overcome.

Are They Authentic

There are few things worse than having a false negative review written about your company. It is already a competitive and often crowded marketplace, and occasionally a negative individual or competitor will want to reduce a positive rating. While there is no guaranteed route to resolve this 100% of the time, we have had great success expunging these on behalf of our customers.

The Value Of Feedback

Wondering if a new product or service is connecting with customers, or if people feel something is missing about your business? By studying reviews for patterns, and engaging customers with follow up informational requests, we help our clients gain an understanding of how to better serve customer needs, and build value in their industry.

Say Thank You

A great way to build loyalty and open lines of communication with customers is to respond to their positive reviews.  We thank them for choosing to be your customers, encourage them to refer your business to others in need, and help spread the word.  All of this opens the doors to growth and opportunities to expand and meet your target goals.


Encourage Communication


Customer Interactions Drive Reviews

By training staff to simply ask for a review after a positive customer experience, we’ve been able to increase RoR (Rate of Review) significantly, often by 25%+.

A Harvard Business School study found that restaurants can increase revenue by 9% on average, after adding only 1 star to their ratings. (Example 3.4 to 4.4 Increase). <Source>

How To Build For Trust

We work closely with Google, and every Review we aid a client in receiving is 100% honest and accurate. We do not provide positive reviews, ever.

People expect a certain degree of negative commentary, but the way a business responds provides transparency and conveys care.

Focusing on the ability to resolve issues proactively offers a route to change a negative into a positive, and many customers will try a business again, knowing issues are being listened to.

Review Management Systems

Encouraging and managing the review reminder process can be time consuming and difficult, so we offer completely managed services as part of your package to achieve these goals 24/7.

  • Business Review Cards
  • Mobile Messaging
  • Email Surveys
  • Review Kiosks


Generate Content

How To Expand Your Audience

By generating relevant and useful content, or buzz around an upcoming event, we help expand the reach of your brand, and drive growth.  Many of the companies we work with simply don’t have the time to generate consistent quality in house, so offloading this to our copy writers is an easy solution.

Testing New Ideas

The ability to gain insight via customer feedback to potential services and ideas online is one of the most powerful tools available to businesses today.  We work with your internal teams to develop and test new opportunities online, to gauge current customer interest.  By going into new ventures with a read on customer viewpoints, we help mitigate risk, and target the right solutions.

Build Your Story

Customers use facts and figures as information, but they remember and connect with stories.  Why your business does what it does, why it believes and treats its customers in a positive and caring way, all of these elements create the Brand Story, which provides a route for customers to connect on a personal level, and amplifies trust.

Share Customer Success

Created social media content can only go so far in providing validation, and swaying new customers often requires them seeing other similar clients succeeding with your business.  We leverage the positive reviews and accolades provided to your business through our Encouragement program to deliver shareable snippets and stories.

Unlimited Support

All of our clients benefit from our unlimited support options.  Our packages are designed to provide complete peace of mind, and we know that a huge part of that is easy access to great support personnel.  Please feel free to contact us through any convenient method.

Success Guaranteed

We are a company built around Your Success and Customer Satisfaction. Therefore we have built our services with that one goal in mind.

In order to meet our Customer Success & Satisfaction Goals, we provide a 90-Day Money Back Guarantee on all subscriptions and initial implementation packages.  Any payments collected within the past 90-Days of written notice of cancellation will be refunded, and all future payments will be cancelled.

Your complete satisfaction and business success is our number one priority, as our mutual growth and reputation depend on it.


+ $300/month
  • Unlimited Support
  • Manage 2 Social Media Channels: Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc.
  • Respond To + Assist with Resolving all Reviews
  • Assist with Creation + Publishing of 2 Targeted Social Media Post / Month
  • Goal To Add 6 New Reviews
    / Month


+ $600/month
  • Unlimited Support
  • Manage 3 Social Media Channels: Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc.
  • Respond To + Assist with Resolving all Reviews
  • Assist with Creation + Publishing of 4 Targeted Social Media Post / Month
  • Goal To Add 10 New Reviews
    / Month


  • Unlimited 30-Day Support
  • Manage 3 Social Media Channels: Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc.
  • Respond To + Assist with Resolving Reviews for 30-Days
  • Assist with Creation + Publishing of 30 Targeted Social Media Posts
  • Goal To Add 30 New Reviews
    / Total
All Services Are Backed By a 90-Day - 100% satisfaction guarantee.